The little things

I think it is kind of funny how most of the time I have spent on this is figuring out how I can use what is available (junk yard, on line, make easily, local hardware store, etc.) to do what I want. There used to be a machinist in town who would do small jobs. Even though he was expensive, it was still way cheaper than buying a lathe and milling machine. Plus they came out better with a professional at the helm. But he is no longer in town.

I was surprised how important a parking brake is. Adjusting the parking brake is equally important!

Above is a photo of two "barrel adjusters" for bicycle cable brakes and one I made for the parking brake adjust. The brake cable for the parking brake is huge! Even bigger than a motorcycle cable. So I had to make my own barrel adjuster. Between trips to the motorcycle shop, automotive store and hardware store, plus the time to figure out how and what to use out I have to have a few hours into a two dollar part.  All that for what is essentially a slot in a nut and bolt. Perhaps it is time for a home lathe and a milling machine?!

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