
Showing posts from September, 2017

Ready for the Body

Looks like I am ready to attach the body now! The batteries appear to be weakening. Perhaps due to age, but the root cause of the weakening seems to have its roots in the fact (OK, more my opinion) that  these batteries are made by a bunch backyard yahoos. Originally they were supposed to be charged to 4.2 volts. Later, evidently after learning this caused reliability problems, they lowered the peak charge voltage. Too late for me. Additionally I have low confidence in the manufacturing standards this company used. In any case, they still work reasonably well, so I have no plans to change them (for now). I am not 100% happy with the chain noise, but someone once said:              "do not let the perfect be the enemy of the good" or something close! The electrical is now flawless! No errors, everything works great! So with a little chain noise, I now have to finish the body panels! (yes, that is a lot of explanation...

Still a little more to do

Cleaning up the master relay (contractor) did not fix the problem. So I wired in a bunch of monitorpoints and ran some more test drives.  The voltage across the relay is very low, and all the drop seems to be coming from the batteries. Nothing looks abnormal, yet the codes persist. I must have not cleaned the master relay good enough. I was originally afraid to take it completely apart, because it seemed like it would not go back together. But with nothing to loose, I took it down to the bare bones.  It looked like one side of the contactor was still having problems. I cleaned everything up again and, to my surprise, it all went back together with no left over parts! It looked like this was the problem, but a test drive showed the same error codes. I went through the electrical system again but still nothing was obviously wrong. Everything pointed to the relay, but the relay did turn on and off and looked good. Plus there was almost no drop across the relay even at 500 amps....